Luxury Real Estate School, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Sponsor Your Class As An Industry Professional? Sometimes the school allows industry professionals to provide students with meals (breakfast or lunch) during their breaks, students have the option of staying or leaving during this break. Industry professionals that wish to sponsor classes or other events, must Contact Us in advance and get clearance by the school administration.
Can I Give A “Voucher” For A Class? Yes, if you would like to give the gift of education with one of our courses, for no additional cost, Luxury Real Estate School will can make a customized “Voucher” and mail it to your address for you to give or to the address of whom you wish to give the course to. “Voucher” will be valid for the class up to the expiration date, regardless of future price changes.
Can I Give A “Gift Card” To Your School? Yes, if you would like to give the gift of education in terms of a monetary amount you may do so, for no additional cost, Luxury Real Estate School will can make a customized “Gift Card” and mail it to your address for you to give or to the address of whom you wish to give the gift card to. “Gift Card” will be valid for the monetary amount its issued up to the expiration date.
How To Sign Up With A Voucher, Coupon, or Gift Card? Please find the course and date you would like to enroll in and Contact Us with the information on your voucher, coupon, or gift card.
Should I Sign Up For “The LiveStream (Classroom)” or “The Portal” Class? Luxury Real Estate School is a full service school offering as many options for students to get their Florida real estate education. Our Classroom and LiveStream courses are very similar, guided by the instructor while students can ask questions in real time and most importantly take the opportunity to network with classmates who meet at the same schedule, it’s not surprising we find higher success rates. In contrast, the non-refundable and non-transferable “portal” courses are entirely at the student’s own pace and questions can be sent via email at Contact Us.
What Should I Bring To LiveStream or Live Class? We provide students with proprietary handouts created by the school and its instructors. If the class requires a textbook please visit the BOOKSTORE there will sometime be options of either getting a textbook or ebook. The ebooks have an audible component and students get immediately, but some student prefer the textbooks we suggest ordering enough days ahead prior to class. For courses that offer credit hours students will need to bring legal identification to get the credit(s), attendance is taken each before/after class and breaks, students may not miss more than the allowed prescribed times.
Can I Request A Specific Class or The Class I Want Is Not Available? We want to hear from past and future students about which classes they desire we offer, please let us know the course you would like to enroll in, dates or scheduling that would work, and Contact Us we will respond with options.
Can I Request A Specific Instructor? No, all Luxury Real Estate Instructors are proven in their dedication to help students succeed, the class you register for may be taught by one or various of our highly trained professionals. Florida Real Estate Instructors must be licensed as such by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) in the state of Florida, and their license must be linked to the real estate school. Follow this LINK to see a list of instructors at Luxury Real Estate School.
I Just Booked A Class, What’s Next? After an online payment on our site you should receive payment confirmation from Zelle or PayPal. If you made payment through and alternate form of payment once cleared and received by the school you should receive confirmation from the school. In both cases an email from the school will be sent the day before class reminding you of the date, time, and address. If the class is delivered via LiveStream, the day before you will receive the link to join the class, we suggest you plan arriving 15 minutes early the first time. Contact Us if you have any concerns, we look forward to seeing you in class.
Can I Pay With Check Or Cash? Yes, we will accept Zelle and PayPal plus many other forms of payment. Including Cash, Check, ACH, Wire Transfers, or Money Order. Please contact the school early, to reserve your spot payments must first clear.
Can I Pay A Deposit? No, we don’t reserve seating with deposits or partial payments. To benefit student learning and networking opportunities, we only sell a maximum of 15 seats to our “Classroom” and “LiveStream” courses. Because of our limited seating in each class we must assure seats are either SOLD or AVAILABLE.
Where do I start application? Fingerprints? State Exam? These are required if you are looking to getting your license, or you are looking to upgrade to a real estate broker’s license from a sales associate license. You can take the class first and the instructor will go over this requirements in class or you may want to submit your application and fingerprints prior to starting your pre-license class. Although applications, fingerprints, and the state exam are done by other institutions we can help by providing students with easy to follow links www.LuxuryRealEstateSchool.com/#LINKS
How do I check status of my application? To check the status of your Florida real estate license application, you can visit www.myfloridalicense.com and log in to your DBPR account by clicking the blue “My Account” button on the top right. Once you input your credentials click the blue “Application Status Inquiry” link on the left. To check the status of your application by phone call DBPR at 850-487-1395.
How do I schedule the Florida state exam at PearsonVue? Upon approval of your Florida real estate license application, you should receive an email from PearsonVUE, this email will have in big bold letters Authorization To Test (ATT). The ATT email will contain your unique “FL REAPP ID number”. Create an account with PearsonVUE by clicking on the State Exam Link. You will need your FL REAPP ID number to schedule and pay for your Florida Real Estate state test (On the “A to Z Program List” under letter “F”).
How do I check the status of my license after taking a post-license or CE course? The school has up to 30 days to send the student a course completion certificate and report the course completion by the student to the DBPR. After receiving your completion certificate, please allow 48 hours for processing by the DBPR.
To check the status of your license online follow steps below:
1st step – www.myfloridalicense.com
2nd step – Click in “Verify a License”
3rd step – Click on “Log On” , on the top left hand side
4th step – Log in with your User ID and Password
*If you don’t have an account click on “Create My Account”.
*Once account is created link your Real Estate License to your account.
5th step – Click on Continuing Education Requirements
To check the status of your license by phone call DBPR at 850-487-1395.
PS. Remember to pay your License Renewal fees with the state – DBPR.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future classes will be even more of a success. If we can be of help, or if you have questions, please feel free to Contact Us.